As February is coming to an end, so is RACOBAO’s engagement in the European Union Aid Volunteer programme, which has been running since 2017. Our latest volunteer, Toke, is now preparing to go back to Denmark after having been with us since the start of November. During the project, RACOBAO has massively developed its capacity within disaster risk management and has made sure that Lyantonde District and other NGOs working in Lyantonde has done the same. Within the project Lyantonde District’s Disaster Management Committee (DDMC) has been established and has been meeting regularly ever since to discuss and work on issues related to disaster – and will continue to do so even after the end of the project.
“The past four months have been a great experience for me personally and I would like thank all the staff at RACOBAO for welcoming me and making me feel at home in Lyantonde. I am proud of all the achievements we have made in the DDMC and I am confident that RACOBAO and the District will continue its hard work on limiting the impact of disasters in Lyantonde”, says Toke upon the end of his deployment.
Here at RACOBAO we would like to thank the European Civil Protection & Humanitarian Aid Operations – ECHO, our partners ICCO Cooperation Central, Eastern and Southern Africa, FCA Finn Church Aid and Folkekirkens Nødhjælp, as well as the 4 volunteers that have participated in the programme Melina Rauscher, Georgia Temple, Anna Ikonen and Toke Bengtsson.