Icelandic Church Aid Visit to RACOBAO

RACOBAO staff with ICA visitors

This week, RACOBAO was honored to host the Director and Communications manager of Icelandic Church Aid (ICA) @Hjaparstarf Kirkjunnar for 2 days monitoring visit of the Household improvement project. This project targets vulnerable households of orphans living on their own or with their elderly grandparents after their own parents die from AIDS.

Field visits
field visit

Bjarni and Kristin had one on one interactions with the beneficiaries and learned about how beneficiaries lives have been changed by the project.

field visit to on of the selected household beneficiary for 2019

They were able to see with their own eyes how the lives of a family of orphans living on their own improved with renewed hope when they received a new house, kitchen, latrine, and 4,000 liter water tank

It was clear that the project is touching the lives of people affected by AIDS in many ways. In their own words, they thanked RACOBAO for the stewardship and good management practices and noted that they stood with us as a lot of work that remains to be accomplished

RACOBAO staff applauded the visitors for the visit and comments and insights. Appreciation to Icelandic Church Aid for support over the years.

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